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Management of Helicobacter pylori infection—the Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report
The 5th Chinese Helicobacter treatment consensus
How long should I wait before doing follow up breath/stool test?

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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Chances of getting reinfected?

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Chances of getting reinfected?

Post by AndyMac »

Hello, i eradicated H.pylori a few months back. I felt better too.

However, i fear about catching this again. I'm inspired to write this as my stomach pains and gastritus have returned.

What are the chances of catching it again so soon?

What are the transmission routes?

For example, as a single man, lets say i kiss a lady and she has the H.Pylori (which i'm told nearly half the world may have it asymptomatically). I travel to Asia alot, where i am told many more people have H.Pylori. So am i saying if i am ever to kiss a lady i should have her tested?

If i accidentally eat the wrong food i'm done for?

If someone accidentally coughs or spreads their saliva on me i am going to get reinfected? For example today, my father was laughing pretty close to me and i had to tell him to back up as i felt his saliva on my face!

Pain is intolerable today, and i fear i have catched this damn bug again. If it's so easy to get reinfected, and i experience symptoms, then i guess i am stuck with this for life and no amount of antibiotics or treatment will heal me - because as soon as eradicate it, it will come back.

plz help.

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Re: Chances of getting reinfected?

Post by Helico_expert »

it's not easy to catch H. pylori in adulthood.

H. pylori does not survive well outside human body. So it's not easy to catch it from contaminated water or food.

Kissing is a possible route, but the carrier will need to poor oral hygiene.

did you manage to get a follow up breath test to prove that you are actually free of H. pylori after the treatment?

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