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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Test for H. pylori in other parts of the body?

There are several types of tests for H.pylori. The major ones have a their own forum.

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Test for H. pylori in other parts of the body?

Post by paulhodge »

I have had the antibiotic treatment for H. pylori which eradicated the bacteria in my stomach proven by an endoscopy which I had recently.

This treatment cured my stomach problems, also, as a side-effect it cured the depression I was suffering from at the time.

Now my depression has come back and I understand that H. pylori can exist in other parts of the body such as the liver and brain et cetera.

My question is, is there a test to see if I have an infection of H. pylori somewhere in my body other than my stomach.

As I understand it, a blood test would always prove positive because I have had the disease before.

I am quite desperate and your help will be most appreciated.

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Re: Test for H. pylori in other parts of the body?

Post by Helico_expert »

Hi, H. pylori only present in the stomach. Three is no evidence that H. pylori can present elsewhere in the body. You can perform a breath/stool test to see if you still carry H. pylori.

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Re: Test for H. pylori in other parts of the body?

Post by paulhodge »


Many thanks for your reply but if you look on this website----

scroll down to H. PYLORI COLONIZES MULTIPLE SITES WITHIN THE BODY read and and look at the picture, it looks like one can get infected in many parts of the body.
It looks like a very professional site, but I don't know if what they're talking about is true. What do you think? If it is true, what sort of test would show these infections up?

There is also a lot of information on the Internet indicating infections in other places then ones stomach so there might be something in it.

Look forward to your kind reply.

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Re: Test for H. pylori in other parts of the body?

Post by Helico_expert »

I think that review article is a bit mis-leading. It's like a textbook summarised what had been reported.

As the article mentioned, most of the tests were done by PCR. it's a very poor method for H. pylori detection. The false positive and negative rate are too high. Usually I would want to see the sequencing result of the PCR product. Otherwise, it's just a false positive.

Then it mentioned about culture method. It is true that culture method is the gold standard for finding out viable cells. Being able to detect trace of H. pylori DNA and proteins dont always mean that the bacteria is alive. But culturing H. pylori from other body parts has never been very successful. Perhaps only a handful of people in the whole world is able to do that and it's too difficult for others to proof if what they claim is true.

Then the article mentioned about non-helicobacter pylori helicobacter species being detected in the guts. This is true. but they are not H. pylori. They are other species of H. pylori that cannot live in the stomach. These helicobacter species, also known as enterohepatic helicobacters, are only a problem when your immune system is totally compromised (eg. HIV patients). In healthy people, these other Helicobacter species have not shown to be clinically significant.

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Re: Test for H. pylori in other parts of the body?

Post by paulhodge »

Okay thank you, I will go for the blood/stool investigation and see what happens.

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Re: Test for H. pylori in other parts of the body?

Post by paulhodge »

I should have said I'm going for the breath/stool test. The blood test is of course of no use.

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Re: Test for H. pylori in other parts of the body?

Post by Helico_expert »

yes you are right.

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