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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

H.Pylori Triple Treatment with Low Stomach Acid

The cure of Hp usually requires antibiotics. Other things have been tried and have a weaker effect.

Moderators: barjammar, Toni, luci2010, Ondek-Expert, kkimura

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H.Pylori Triple Treatment with Low Stomach Acid

Post by livingThailand1 »

28yo / male, living in Thailand for nearly 2 years now, consider myself healthy, no food allergies ever, no IBS, no known issues. I pretty down to earth in Thailand and I eat street food regularly.

About 9 months ago I caught food poisoning I was ill for a few days and then worked myself back to health. A few weeks later I noticed my stomach was the size of a balloon one evening, the day later it went away, but reoccurred again the following the night, hard/tender - not flabby. I went to Dr.Google and tried a few things, I cut some fats out, drank cider vinegar throughout the day, a little bit prune juice, some vitamins, apples etc, avoided alcohol and few day later it went away. I guess a lot of these home cures (particularly related to PH and stomach health) have broad effects across a range of problems - yeast infection, helico, etc.. But it went away and I was back to eat what I like, perfect bowel moving no distending of the stomach.

Anyway, it happened again a few week later (a weekend of poor diet and boozing triggered it) this time it took 5 days of a pretty strict diet to get back to normal. Uncomfortable large distended stomach most nights, retreating more and each night till one day it was back to normal.

No problem for a number of weeks and then every other week and now had it for about 2 months with occasional good days or good pair days. I dont have high stomach acid, I never belch, I never acid reflux, never feel sickly and I did the bicarbonate soda test and no belch in 5 minutes. I've research for days and Im convinced I have low stomach acid triggered by chornic helicobacter with various level of activity and trigger points. So given the doctors here are in my experience not the best I going to sort this myself.

I going to do 10 days Carithycin 500mg and Amoxicillin, but I aint taking the PPI as I dont have the usual elevated stomach acids most people have (if that changed I buy ozmec at any pharmacy). I read a study that without the PPI only 25% success rate but surely this applies to those with the usual high stomach acid sympton of h.pylori? In my case I only see it lessening the success probably of eradication unless Im missing some important science.

Anyway off the local dogy pharamcy to write my own presubscription, let me know if Im doing anything suicidal (other than not following a doctors advise)

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Re: H.Pylori Triple Treatment with Low Stomach Acid

Post by bump101 »

if you can get it, get colloidal silver and drink will kill the bacteria within a week or two (I had it for 8 years before I found colloidal)...then start eating local dishes with a lot of healthy bacteria like sauerkrout and kim chi (however those are spelt) will notice a difference...also, look at George tennant's website (tennant Institute)...he gives a great protocol for getting over the stomach acid problem...good luck

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Re: H.Pylori Triple Treatment with Low Stomach Acid

Post by charlesroland »

Unbalanced diet can cause to acidity problem. Increase in acidity can cause to other serious problem of health. Basil is one of the anti acid product that helps in reducing acidity. here is some tips for acidity problem.
1)Take a banana with meal
2)Try to avoid smoke and alcohol
3)Avoid spicy or fried foods.

For More Information Visit:acidity remedies

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Re: H.Pylori Triple Treatment with Low Stomach Acid

Post by seline11 »

If H.pylori is detected, then a course of antibiotics together with a drug that protects the stomach lining and prevents too much acid production is called triple therapy.

However, these medications can bring about web application mania some harsh side effects such as diarrhea, headaches, dizziness, nausea and interfere with liver function. In men, certain side effects of medication may lead to breast enlargement and impotence. In some cases, surgery may also be required.
Last edited by seline11 on Thu Jun 13, 2013 4:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: H.Pylori Triple Treatment with Low Stomach Acid

Post by Obershnaus »

charlesroland wrote: 1)Take a banana with meal
bananas reduce acidity?
Why Gsm Repeaters Must Be Used In Your Own Home?

How To Increase Gsm Signal
Last edited by Obershnaus on Tue Feb 18, 2014 9:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: H.Pylori Triple Treatment with Low Stomach Acid

Post by halenson »

if you can get it, get colloidal silver and drink will kill the bacteria within a week or two (I had it for 8 years before I found colloidal)...then start eating local dishes with a lot of healthy bacteria like sauerkrout and kim chi (however those are spelt) will notice a difference...also, look at George tennant's website (tennant Institute)...he gives a great protocol for getting over the stomach acid problem...good luck I agree with you,thanks!

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Re: H.Pylori Triple Treatment with Low Stomach Acid

Post by Helico_expert »

alternative therapy with special diet? I dont really trust the result. There are too little scientific evidence on it. They may reduce the symptom, but they dont remove the root of problem. H. pylori still survive and the problem will come back.

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