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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

allicin vs Helicobacter

The cure of Hp usually requires antibiotics. Other things have been tried and have a weaker effect.

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allicin vs Helicobacter

Post by sl88er »

To be clear... I'm not fan of Garlic... But I have found a few works which show that allicin is able to kill HP in concentartion about 5mg/L (in vitro study)... and later I was looking how it looks in praticse and in one study they use
- garlic oil with content of Allicin 0,8 mg/L.... three times in day ... Conclusion it dosent work at all...

in second one :

Capsules with garlic powder (something about 500mg three times day or something like that) Conclusion: It dosent work at all

Another study use 10 sliced Cloves of Garlic... UBT test show there is no improvment...

Another study show eradication rate of 23% with dose of 4,2mg Allicin... I read it but I found it is poor Quality... most data in tabels do not suit...

My conclusion:

First study that dose is definitevly to low... If you want show that something dosent work you have to use in amount that will not working...

Second study: Enzyme allinase dont work properly at low pH and it is possible that capsules are realsed first in small intestine... they should mix capsule content with water...

Third study: That cloves were sliced not crushed... it makes huge differnces

Last study apart from many mistakes shows that even 4.2 mg allicin can be quite promissing

And now some core ... 0-0113.pdf

Bactericidal effect of amoxicilin is very few mg/L

Why we dosent use few mg amoxicilin tabs, but whole 1 g of amoxicilin...?

What happen when instead of using in clinical study dose of allicin which roughly corespond to concentration which show effect in tube...?

When we assume that loss of ,,killing effect,, of allicin in vivo is the same like of amoxiclin. We should use as well some 1g of allicin... 1 g is probably much to much but when some dose of 100mg allicin show no effect it will be convincing (I mean real allicin not powder not sliced garlic cloves of unknown origin, no garlic oil with low allicin content)

In my opinion all that studies want to show one: Allicin dosent work properly in vivo... and they were design to proof it.

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Re: allicin vs Helicobacter

Post by Helico_expert »

interesting post. where is the "like" button?

i think it's a mystery of why using 1g of Amoxy where a few mg works. 1g Amoxy works better and so everyone kept using it. About garlic... hard to say. So far, no food has proven useful. perhaps garlic with PPI? I am not sure. Chilli too... no success in vivo.

nevertheless, it's a good summary review there.

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Re: allicin vs Helicobacter

Post by sl88er »

I have tried for 2 days much much of crushed garlic... and must stop... i have no side effect appart that i have that feelling of warmth in whole body (I like it even a liitle bit)... but side eefect for my co workers were not acceptable... My breath can kill... :evil: Personall feeling is that garlic can exterminate not only Dracula but HP as well... But I have to stop or reduce dose sigificantly

And I have looking further what can be usefull and again I have meet study taht are so conflicting...

Mastic gum (I care only about in vivo studies)

-Study from Korea 1mg/piece of mastic gum over 90 days after 5 weeks of treatment termiantion significant reduce of gastritis and UBT Value

-study from Greece (chrios Island, where mastic gum grow :roll: s) 3 gram over two weeks can eradicate hp from 39% stomachs UBT test after 5 weeks


-study from UK which show that 4 garms of mastik have no influence on UBT value at all. Measure at last day of tretment and few weeks after no drop of UBT value

What I find important two first use mastic gum on empty stomach, study from England do not precise timing of mastic gum, study from Greece sugest that mastic gum +ppi cause 0% eradication... some sinergism with stomach acid ?

So my idea is using now

Morning and evening 1 g mastic gum
After meals a reduced dose of garlic (to avoid ,,killing,, breath) or broccoli sprouts before meals
Vitamin C 2-4 g a day between meals

maybe some probiotic, sometimes green tea woormwood or lucreice...

all three mastic, garlic, vitamin c should have some synergism with stomach acid, gastric juice... Unfortunetlly there is no study about some compound therapies with more natural substances... maybe someone know if there is some synergism/antagonism between above mentioned substances... any experience, sugestion...

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Re: allicin vs Helicobacter

Post by sl88er »

I have run my treatment of

10g Vitamin C beetwen meals (3g /3g/ 2g /2g)

2-3 times 1 g of Mastic gums on empty stomach

and after dinner i drink garlic powder solution in water

and I'm completly suprised how well it works... my apetite is back, no bleaching, and white tonque it is completly clear... just after 5 days...

I do not know if HP is eradicated but all my symptoms are cleared

After i run 15 days on metronidazol tetracyline omeprazol and bismuth which failed I'm really suprised

I dont trust any more in UBT and Clo test so now I'm going to measure igg again after few months

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Re: allicin vs Helicobacter

Post by Helico_expert »

interesting reaction. so are you going to stop your current diet for a few months and do another UBT? or you plan to continue your diet for a few months and do the UBT?

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