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How to post in the forum?
Management of Helicobacter pylori infection—the Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report
The 5th Chinese Helicobacter treatment consensus
How long should I wait before doing follow up breath/stool test?

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Symptoms survey
(contributed by frostyfeet)

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H pylori 3rd time :(

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H pylori 3rd time :(

Post by Brumguy12 »

Hello everyone iv had this crap bug for god knows how long.iv had 2 failed triple eradication attempts I forgot the 1st treatment because was a long time ago..2nd treatment was 6weeks ago was met 400 mg and clarithmycin 250 mg lansoprazole 30 mg all twice a had an endoscopy 3weeks ago and they found h pylori so guessing the treatment was no On 21st July my doc gave me levofloxicin 250 mg and met 400mg and lansoprazole 30 mg twice daily but had to stop after 3rd dose as was getting to many side stopped all treatment till saw dr on 25th July so explained and he told me to continue met 400 twice day with lansoprazole and replaced Levo for tetracycline 500 mg four times daily :oops:...I cudnt take the tetracycline 4 times a day so iv been taking it 2 or 3 times a day but now iv finished the met 400 mg and have another 5 or 6 days left of tetracycline to finish so was thinking is there any point of carrying on with the tetracycline and lansoprazole?

Any help will be very much appreciated this is making me so depressed and scared I just don't know how to deal with it..

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Re: H pylori 3rd time :(

Post by Helico_expert »

i would talk to the doctor to get more met so i can finish the whole treatment together with the Tet. In addition, ask if your doctor allow you to double the dose of lansoprazole. some medical articles did mention that increase PPI dose can increase treatment success rate.

As you know, H. pylori is pretty hard to kill. So, you better hit it hard and make sure all of them die. if there is survival, they'll just build up the mass in a few months time.

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Re: H pylori 3rd time :(

Post by Brumguy12 »

Thanks for your advice but dnt think my doc would give me as I did mention it to him that I would run out of met and he said jus finish the corse.I was thinking going down the natural treatment instead of these horrible meds realy getting me down .

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Re: H pylori 3rd time :(

Post by Brumguy12 »

Do you think taking tet 500 mg 3 times a day would be OK as I find it hard getting the 4th dose in as my doc recommended . :(

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Re: H pylori 3rd time :(

Post by Helico_expert »

Tet 500 mg 3x a day is slightly lower than the recommended dose. If that's the dose you can tolerate, that's the dose you take. We'll just have to finish the course, wait for a month, repeat breath test to find out if you are still positive. Meanwhile, are you able to take double dose landoprazole?

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Re: H pylori 3rd time :(

Post by deanobambino64 »

I am just wondering, in cases where there is such difficulty with eradication after multiple tries with oral antibiotics, would a course of IV antibiotics be any more effective? I have heard that many of the more unpleasant side effects may be eliminated but I'm just not sure if there would be any other benefits? Any ideas?

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Re: H pylori 3rd time :(

Post by Helico_expert »

IV would work. But it may require patients to stay in the hospital, which may be costly.

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