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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Mastica Chios please help me!!

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Re: Mastica Chios please help me!!

Post by Drowqueen »

Thank you for all your insight , very kind.

I have been reading much through the forum , trying to find what symptoms people experience. My only symptom is burning at mt sternum , all day (even on h2 blocker but it is milder). Is this a primary h pylori symptom you see?

My husband and I have been off of mastic gum for 2 weeks tomorrow. We will both submit a stool sample. I hope this timing is sufficient and almost wondering if I should be waiting 4 weeks.

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Re: Mastica Chios please help me!!

Post by Drowqueen »

Does deglycyrrhinated licorice root tablets effect a stool collection? I take these with an h2 blocker as they soothe the burn.

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Re: Mastica Chios please help me!!

Post by Helico_expert »

Majority of people carry H. pylori without knowing it.
Usually people caught H. pylori when they are very young.
As they reach 18 years old, perhaps after high school, they joined the society or university life, the stress, unhealthy diet, burning midnight oil, chasing deadlines, etc.. their stomach condition gradually get weaken and induce gastric symptoms.

the initial gastric symptom is probably just dull pain, like hunger pain. maybe around 20 years old, people can start to get ulcers. As they reach around 30-40 years old, they probably get intestinal metaplasia, and when they are over 40-50, atrophic gastritis.. and when they are over 50, the cancer risk is higher than those who had no H. pylori infection before.

Also, i have replied your other question here

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Re: Mastica Chios please help me!!

Post by Drowqueen »

Thank you,

So with everything you said. If my husband was a carrier of H pylori from his mother who struggled her whole life with it…. Would his stool test be able to produce positive WITHOUT gastric symptom . Or must he have gastric symptom for it to show ?

I have decided to hold off another two weeks for my test and only take my H2, I need an accurate test result and have read DGL is anti microbial. However, I have a scope on Tuesday next week and I will only have been on an H2/ 6 days off of DGL so hopefully we will have some answers at this point.

My doctor , is really hesitant to believe I have h pylori since my stool test was negative in October (I was off of my PPI for 11 days and I had just started 1 day into mastica gum). I was very worried my results were negative so I asked for a retest for stool. Unfortunately she did not know anything about natural renendies and their anti microbial effects. So she has advised me to just test. I think waiting until the 30th of this month is the best time to prove an accurate result so I will do that based off my own judgement .

My husband had nothing (no antacids or natural herbs) for 2 weeks and has retested yesterday. I hope his stool result will be confirmative , what do you think? I’m very hesitant to believe he didn’t get it from his mother (his culture shares food and kisses lots).. where as I did not grow up that way and I grew up in Canada where my family did not do that and I’m the one with the burn at my sternum!! My only guess is my husband has passed it to me. He does not get acid problems unless he eats bad, but he gets canker sores on his tongue very very frequently.

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Re: Mastica Chios please help me!!

Post by Helico_expert »

I agree with your doctor. Just get a test and see how it goes. The stool test should be sensitive enough to pick up remnants of H. pylori, if natural herbs is all you took. They shouldnt be able to suppress H. pylori that much.

Alternatively, you can get a blood test every 3 months and monitor the concentration of anti-H. pylori antibody. If it's gradually going down, then it is a sign of H. pylori eradicated. If the concentration is constant.. then it's a sign of still being positive.

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Re: Mastica Chios please help me!!

Post by Drowqueen »

Thank you. Currently prepping for a double scope tomorrow and I will submit another stool sample end of week.

Waiting on my husbands second results , I think if it is negative again that the chances of him having h pylori are slim. For me as well. Most people on this forum seem to get a positive stool sample if they have it.

My burning stomach just doesn’t make sense as I have great diet. 100lbs 32 years old.. I am not unfit.

Hopefully I will have some answers soon. I’m very afraid to go near my positive MIL (she refuses to see a doctor here as she says they have never helped and instead she has ordered antibiotics from the Middle East… her pylori would be so resistant).

General bacterium question since you seem so knowledgeable. If say I were to get infected with her strain of h pylori, would it be highly resistant strain from her body? Or does the composition reset in your own body. I hope this makes sense.

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Re: Mastica Chios please help me!!

Post by Helico_expert »

If you caught a resistant strain from somebody, you'll be infected with a resistant strain.
Just make sure everyone under the same roof is hygienic. Brush teeth at least in the morning; Hand washing after toilet; and avoid sharing food.

Because H. pylori survive poorly outside human body, it's very hard to spread among adults who practice good hygiene.

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Re: Mastica Chios please help me!!

Post by Drowqueen »

My endoscope / colonoscopy were all normal. No information. The doctor took 4 biopsies he said. I do not understand how I burn this way but my scope was normal? He did mention the biopsie would test for bacteria .

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Re: Mastica Chios please help me!!

Post by Drowqueen »

Sorry no inflammation ***

Thank you for the help in regards to getting my mother in laws resistant h pylori. Unfortunately she pops antibiotics like candy and has people from Lebanon bring them to her. I wish I could educate her Because I am sure since she has h pylori all her life her pylori would be very very resistant. I pray I don’t have this.

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Re: Mastica Chios please help me!!

Post by Helico_expert »

Biopsy is not just for bacteria. It tells the doctor how inflamed your stomach is. It can also detect abnormal cells if it present.

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