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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Mastica Chios please help me!!

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Re: Mastica Chios please help me!!

Post by Drowqueen »

I’ll come back when I have results just so anyone ever in a similar situation has this to go on. Results should be in 2 weeks from biopsies .

I burn bad, it’s my only symptom and it hurts. I have a stool test I can submit but at this point there was a H pylori biopsy taken so I think this will be conclusive enough? The biopsy is the best test for accurate results, correct? My fear is just that I have a “low bacterial load”.

I think I’m going to need to start on mastic chios and licorce again because h2 blockers just don’t fully stop the burning .

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Re: Mastica Chios please help me!!

Post by Helico_expert »

have you tried PPI before? if H2 blocker is not enough, you can always try PPI.

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Re: Mastica Chios please help me!!

Post by Drowqueen »

Thank you for all your help, I appreciate your time.

I have tried it, it took away my burn. I only lasted 17 days though because I had bad intestinal pain from it. As soon as I stopped the intestinal pain stopped. A lot of the bad information online scares me to take ppi.

I have both nexium pills and pantoloc pills (I tried both). Do they all work the same , or is one better than the other ?

Also, if the gastroenterologist saw no information in the endoscope , why do I feel such burn? I feel this makes 0 logic sense . Would you have any insight to that? When I was finished procedure , I don’t remember much but I asked , “did you see any inflammation ?” And he said “no inflammation”.. and I remember almost crying and feeling so sad because it made no sense.. and I fell asleep again from drugs so could not ask more questions .

Any insight as to why I burn so bad that the h2 doesn’t even help or tums… but no visible inflammation?

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Re: Mastica Chios please help me!!

Post by Helico_expert »

hmmm.. inflammation is more accurate under histology examination.

Nexium and Pantaloc and other PPIs, they all work the same. They are just slightly different in their molecule structure, which leads to different biological lifespan in each individual.
Some people metabolise faster on certain PPI, due to their genetic make up. So, you can try different PPI until you find the one that you feel best.

PPI is pretty safe. Some people take it for decades.

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Re: Mastica Chios please help me!!

Post by Drowqueen »

Okay. So I will wait for the results of my inflammation .

The other day I was burning bad (I regularly take two h2 blockers a day) . I tried to up my h2 blocker to 3x a day based off my doctor and that didn’t work, and I added in a PPI and it didn’t work either to take away the burn.

It left me wondering if maybe I am the rare case who has hypochlorhydria since I don’t eat meat , very skinny never ate fast food in my life or greasy things… it’s hard for me to believe I have reflux because I don’t fit the typical bill, acid blockers aren’t getting rid of the burn and my stool tests are negative for h pylori! So maybe just maybe , I have the opposite .. not enough acid and since I am plant based my body is producing too much gas to get rid of vegetables and plant based items.

Just a theory and something I may have to look into. I’ll wait on my histology report , but this far every test I take everything is always “good”… but yet I burn in the chest with heartburn almost 24-7.

The puzzle continues and I hope I get an answer soon for anyone who goes through something similar .

Currently I am off of all medicine and on mastica chios and acid stimulators to see if it helps digest food OR if it makes it worse.

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Re: Mastica Chios please help me!!

Post by Drowqueen »

I got my report back from the hospital, not my doctor because she hasn’t received it yet.

What does this mean?

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Re: Mastica Chios please help me!!

Post by Helico_expert »

according to your report, everything seems fine.
which PPI and H2 blocker are you taking? does your heart burn always happen at the same time? what time? before or after meal? or during bedtime?

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Re: Mastica Chios please help me!!

Post by Drowqueen »

That’s what I thought, though does the clinical summary mention I have barrets ? But no one mentioned this to me.

I have heartburn immidately after eating very bad burn in my sternum. With no food it’s mild. I’ve been on and off ppi ans h2 for about 5 months because I get no relief. I’m currently back in nexium 40mg in morning ppi and at night h2 blocker.. I still get a burn after eating though. I have been on this for 5 days now. Burning a bit better but still there.

I have been the greatest puzzle to doctors . 5 months ago I had no issues. Why do I burn all day everyday 24/7 and yet nothing to be found.

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Re: Mastica Chios please help me!!

Post by Drowqueen »

And sorry yes. Never at bedtime! I don’t have regurgitation, just burn at the sternum. When I sleep I am the best because I don’t feel the burn. But when I wake , and start moving the burn starts to happen mildly and then I eat and it’s very very bad burn. A few hours later the burn at sternum settles again, only to eat and it be back . I have a bowl of oatmeal and this happens . Not bad food. If doesn’t matter what I eat the burn happens.. so I don’t believe they couldn’t have seen inflammation at my esophagus ? It also seems they didn’t even take a biopsy of my esophagus ? None of my burn is in my stomach. It’s the bottom of esophagus .

I’m so discouraged and can’t seem to find answers. Having heartburn 24/7 for 5 months is misery.

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Re: Mastica Chios please help me!!

Post by Helico_expert »

yea.. if you are free of H. pylori, then we are not sure what causes your reflux. The barrets and the reflux, is a chicken and egg mystery. nobody knows which came first.

But based on your condition, you probably need to be on PPI for a while. it's better to control your acid to avoid further damage to your esophagus.

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