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Post by kattiegreen »

Taking up skateboarding is already challenging for adults since they may think that they are too old for this sport. In fact, skateboarding doesn’t have any limit about body sizes, genders, and especially age. Therefore, this article will give you a quick review of some of the best skateboards for adult riders who want to pursue a lifestyle with skateboarding.

Even if you are in your middle age, skateboarding is not only an interesting way to entertain but is also a good way to keep fit and maintain an active mind. To encourage that enthusiasm and passion, many companies have run several strategies to promote different skateboards for adult skateboarders.

Now let’s not wait any longer, we should go straight to the list of best adult skateboards as nominated at SkateAdvisors - a popular skateboarding website. You should also see more of the author Robert Parker!


Like any other longboards, this product is a good option to learn how to skateboard since it has everything needed for a perfect skating session. However, you may find the deck shape a bit funny but I assure you that it is perfect for turning and carving.

The Atom Drop Deck is lower to the ground so that riders get better control when changing the direction. Additionally, it provides good stability; therefore, new skaters will feel much easier when stepping on the board for the first time.

This product has one year of warranty so you can be assured of the quality when conquering tarmac or riding down the street. The only drawback of the Atom Drop Deck like other longboards and cruisers is that it is not suitable for tricks. Here is a summary of the advantages and limitations of this skateboard.


Good warranty policies: you really don’t want to ride on a skateboard and worry too much about destroying it in no time. With the Atom Drop Deck, you can take the board to the manufacturers for any issues due to the skateboard within one year warranty.
Reasonable price: with an investment of more than $100, you now can own a good-quality product for having fun.
An excellent controlling ability accompanies newbies well when they learn to skateboard for the first time.

Read more articles that also talk about skateboards: SKATEBOARDING TIPS: PERSONALIZE YOUR OWN SKATEBOARD.


The common bad review about this skateboard is that when customers receive the packet, it sometimes misses pieces so they can assemble the board completely. However, the chance of getting insufficient components is small so you shouldn’t be worried.


The brand with a long history in the skateboarding industry since the late 17th, Powell Peralta has made its way to become one of the biggest and most successful skateboarding companies. If you haven’t heard about this brand yet, you can check out the list of durable and affordable skateboards to see how many products of Powell Peralta are on the chart.


The Golden Dragon Flying Dragon is a bit longer than usual with a 32-inch deck so new skateboarders can have bigger space for putting their feet. Hence, learning how to stand on a skateboard and how to keep balance will be easier.

Fortunately, with the patented ligament strap, riders won’t need to worry about breaking this board into pieces with just a hard bounce. Now novices can have enough confidence to conquer any challenges waiting for them.

This product comes with a set of precision-made and hard polyurethane wheels so that skateboarders can experience the fastest ride on their skateboard journey. Now, let’s see the advantages and disadvantages of this product to see whether it is more suitable for you than the first product or not.


Good grip on the skateboard deck: no more slippery surface that pushes you off the board while performing. Together with a good pair of skate shoes, you can feel that your feet are attached to the grip tape.

Like the previous product: the Golden Dragon is both affordable and good in quality for an entry-level skateboard.
Strength and durability: this skateboard can be considered a legendary skateboard for anyone who wants to become a pro-rider.


The Golden Dragon wheels are too hard so if you are expecting a smooth ride, you really should avoid this product.
The board may be too fast for new skaters, especially for those who are not into speed. Therefore, you may find it uncomfortable when the board runs so quickly with just a little push.


These are the best skateboards for adults based on my experience and knowledge in buying skateboards. However, you can always check out the best skateboard brands at SkateAdvisors to gain more knowledge about the skateboarding world. As a new skater, you always need to remember that the most famous skateboard may not be suitable for you. Therefore, newbies should pick the one that suits them the most.
Last edited by kattiegreen on Fri Jul 22, 2022 3:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Looking for some advice please after 2 failed treatments??

Post by nonamec5 »

I was positive twice. What killed the hpylori was that the 3rd treatment was for 14 days. First 2 treatments was for 7 days. And like you felt fine for a few weeks and symptoms came back. I think you need longer treatment.

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Re: Looking for some advice please after 2 failed treatments??

Post by Hpuk »

In the uk they only offer 7 days. I keep telling my Gp gov eme 14 days and she keeps saying there is no evidence that you need that long. Well clearly you do because I've just had two rounds of treatments which hasnt worked

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Re: Looking for some advice please after 2 failed treatments??

Post by Helico_expert »

great discussion here.

first of all, Kattiegreen definitely is carrying a multidrug resistant H. pylori. You can ask your doctor to give you
high dose PPI, eg Rabeprazole 20mg TID
high dose Amoxicillin 1g TID
bismuth compound
and one more antibiotics that you have not tried. eg. ciprofloxacin, rifabutin, or furazolidone.

in terms of number of days, 14 days is slightly better than 10 days and 10 days is slightly better than 7 days. Most of the time is the side effect that is putting people off. The longer you take the tablets, the more side effect you will be experiencing.

Please do not get confused that if 7 days failed, you should take the same tablets for 14 days instead. If the 7 days treatment failed, that means your bug has already learnt how to fight back the antibiotics. So it is useless to take the same drugs for longer period.

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