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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Can Hp affect other body systems?

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Can Hp affect other body systems?

Post by downwithhp »

While I wait for my next treatment which is unknown, it was found through an endoscopy I have stomach lining reddening in the antrum (erythematous mucosa). Waiting for biopsy results. I've been on omeprazole 20mg x2 daily for two years and I guess it's not working? Am I at risk of getting another ulcer again? When I had a bleeding ulcer once, it took about two months before I got anemia and almost died. I'm almost already two months into this gastritis pain. And can gastritis cause pain in the lower abdominal area that goes to my sides and back? Can h pylori affect my urinary system, too? I'm having painful urination and the urologists found nothing, no infection, CT Scan normal other than kidney stones and small, normal cyst. Full bladder makes pain worse and a 10 on the pain scale, but again, nothing on tests!

Trying nexium 40mg myself from omeprazole, Mylanta and on Tylenol for pain, about 3g daily. Had to turn down a job offer. Life is miserable meanwhile results and testing takes forever.

All my pain is unexplained, doctor's don't know and every blood test is showing up normal. And I feel like something is very wrong with me. How damaging is this bug on my whole GI system? And does it damage other systems?

Summary: lower abdominal pain, painful urination, stomach immflamuation. unexplained, all tests normal other than endoscopy.

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Re: Can Hp affect other body systems?

Post by JonesStones »

Could possibly be reactive arthritis triggered by the bacteria. Approx 2/3 of people with RA have the HLA-B27 genetic marker.

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Re: Can Hp affect other body systems?

Post by Helico_expert »

H. pylori only colonise the stomach. i would say 99.9% of the disease is associated with stomach area.
However, there are people reporting H. pylori affect the immune response and may correlate with systemic immune disease. Some also suggest that inflammation from the stomach may travel along the bloodstream to other organs.
Nevertheless, these claims are still under investigation.

Omeprazole, Nexium, and mylanta are to neutralise or stop acid secretion. I think they will work if your pain is acid related.

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