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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Positive Stool Sample Test -- Why Endoscopy & What Test for Spouse?

H.pylori bacteria in the stomach will pass through the bowel and parts of the bacteria will end up in the feaces. To detect the bacteria a feces sample (only 1 or 2 grams is required) is refrigerated and sent to the lab. In the lab antibodies are used to show up presence of bacter (called ELISA testing). These tests can be made in a dipstick form for near-patient diagnosis. the accuracy of these tests varies but is about 90%. This is a test for ACTIVE CURRENT INFECTION so it can be used after treatment to see if H.pylori is gone. It is also an easy one for little children as no needle is required and no fasting or other preparation of the patient needs to be done.

Moderators: barjammar, Toni

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Re: Positive Stool Sample Test -- Why Endoscopy & What Test for Spouse?

Post by Helico_expert »

ahh... unfortunately i dont know. perhaps try to live healthily by eating healthy food, less sugar and more exercise.

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Re: Positive Stool Sample Test -- Why Endoscopy & What Test for Spouse?

Post by Statchmo »

Follow - up. Had my appt with GI doc yesterday and find myself thoroughly confused. Talked about endoscopy but she also offered the idea of just doing some type of chest scan b/c endoscopy is so expensive. I think the endoscopy makes more sense but I was quite surprised she was not more insistent on it. That said, she mentioned if they do the endoscopy, they can test the stomach tissue to confirm whether H. Pylori is still present after my antibiotics. If I did the chest scan (x-ray?), they would do a breath test instead. She mentioned waiting at least 2 months following the antibiotic treatment, which for me would be mid-March (finished antibiotics on Jan 15). But for one or the other testing method, she said we didn't have to wait -- but I could not understand which one. And also mentioned I had to stop the pantoprezole for at least 2 weeks before testing -- with one method, but not the other. Again -- I'm confused! So between a tissue sample w/endoscopy and a breath test -- which requires waiting 2 months, and which doesn't? And which requires being off the pantoprezole and which doesn't? I swear I asked her these things but upon leaving I realized I am still confused. By the way my ulcer-type symptoms are almost entirely gone and I am now able to eat normally again. Other than residual intestinal distress from the antibiotics, which improves daily, I feel almost back to normal!

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Re: Positive Stool Sample Test -- Why Endoscopy & What Test for Spouse?

Post by Helico_expert »

Glad to hear that you are almost back to normal.

Wait two weeks without any medication and go for a breath test check to confirm the HP eradication.

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