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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Multiple antibiotic treatment failure ,trying the natural options

The cure of Hp usually requires antibiotics. Other things have been tried and have a weaker effect.

Moderators: barjammar, Toni, luci2010, Ondek-Expert, kkimura

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Re: Multiple antibiotic treatment failure ,trying the natural options

Post by Helico_expert »

please do remember to get a follow up test done a month later. You'll have to stop PPI for a month. But you can continue H2 blocker until the night before breath test.

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Re: Multiple antibiotic treatment failure ,trying the natural options

Post by Denmoe »

Mine got worse i didnt use Dgl just some vitamins and preobiotics . when would u take dgl after a meal ?

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Re: Multiple antibiotic treatment failure ,trying the natural options

Post by Lila »

You will feel much better if you keep on a really sensible,clean and ease to digest diet. It will all depend on you after the antibiotics finishes its job of killing hp.but you have to be Disciplined . You can't indulge on one little morsel of any pro- inflammatory foods as it means a step back and you will suffer the consequences as the pains will return really fast. Just as bad aswhen you hadthe infection. Avoid any raw food,even raw fruits as they are hard to digest a sore sensitive gut.
Your digestive tract will be sore,raw,inflamed and very sensitive ,it will need to be nurtured, cared for,rested and will need time to heal...lots of time. Iam not 100% healed yet and because I’m feeling so good I can forget my limitations and overeat, eat too much fat, ingest something with gluten or something that would irritate my gut then I’m back to square one!
Be very disciplined if you want to heal. I take DGL every time I feel a bit of pain, gasses or discomfort. I do also take DGL if aweken in pain in the middle of the night or early mornings, DGL is my magical pain soother. It protects the stomach walls and stops hp from forming colonies.

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Re: Multiple antibiotic treatment failure ,trying the natural options

Post by Denmoe »

are you taking anything to heal your stomach ? zinc-carnosine or l glutamine?

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Re: Multiple antibiotic treatment failure ,trying the natural options

Post by Lila »

Zinc carnozine,dal,probiotics and cabbage with a raw potato juice. Diet is the key here if I get out of the diet for a day or two I do relapse with a few symptoms. Be very diligent with the diet.

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Re: Multiple antibiotic treatment failure ,trying the natural options

Post by jebiga »

Thank you dr. tunesx9 for bring this up Finally someone with a reason of voice here. Last December 12/19/2019 I attempted amoxicilin/claritromicin/omeprazole treatmant for h pylori. After second dose, ONLY second dose hell broke lose. EXTREME anxiety attack started; few days after many other neuro symptoms started as well; neuropathic pain in all over my body. Now 6 months after I am still struggling to get my life back. Current symptoms:
--- Whole body anxiety, tingling and fear --- this is the worse by far because you cannot make sense of anything else as you are in constant anxious mode---doctor wants me to start zoloft and benzo clonapin. But, man o man...really ! From normal person to this now...
1. My feet are burning, they hurt, and have pins and needle sensations
2. My hands have pins and needle sensations, they itch and they hurt
3. Hands weakness and trembling in finger joints and spasms; fear of losing ability to use hands
4. My legs are getting weaker and weaker and I have difficulty walking; walking like an old man
5. muscle twitching in legs and spasms as well
6. my mood is horrible, I hide in room so to not to talk and bother anyone
PLUS H pylori - which I wish I only can have that.
So, yes I was perfectly fine normal functioning person, happy, energetic, hard working. After this antibiotic attempt I am disabled, fearful, on verge of losing my life/family .....
CAN ANYONE SUGGEST POSSIBLE remedies; did I destroy my guy flora? What is going with me? Thank you all.

Currently, I am taking mustic gum 2 x 1000mg, monolaurin 2 x 1200mg, Vitamib C 6-8gr daily, magnesium glycinate, Mg threonate, probiotic 200 billion units, fish oil, milk thistle, Zn, ....not sure what to do anymore

Love to all,

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Re: Multiple antibiotic treatment failure ,trying the natural options

Post by Helico_expert »

hmm... these medication are quite "tame", in terms of side effect. Are you allergic to any of them?

although antibiotics dont normally induce anxiety attack, you might want to talk to your doctor about it.

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Re: Multiple antibiotic treatment failure ,trying the natural options

Post by Lila »

Iam 100% hp free, praise the Lord!
And now eating almost anything that I want and feel like eating. The secret you may ask?
Here is what I’ve done;
- Antibiotics
-A Biofilm cell disrupt or( NAC or monolauril)
-Vit C high doses
- peptobismol
-zinc carnozine
-blackseed oil
- magnesium
- specific probiotics
- digestive enzimes
- cabbage and raw potatoes juice x2 per day.
A sensible diet of no sugar,fat,alchool,red meat,coffee, spicy food and carbs elimination
Drank lots water, green tea and camomile teas. No eating or drinking anything too hot or too cold.
Lots of rest.
Yes you will still having some pains and many digestive issues after eliminationof the bug. Some will switch from been regular or having loose poo to becoming constipated. I know because it happened to me. You will have to start the repair work to recover from the damages from the hp and antibiotics.
I used :
- digestive enzymes
-zinc carnozine
-B complex
— bone broth
- cabbage with raw potato juice
-Mastic gum
- vitE
- fish oil
- coloidal silver X2 per day
Continuing with a sensible no red meat, no sugars, no spicy, low carb,low fat diet for at least another month or as long as needed.
My digestion was a bit slow, so I tried something that did make an incredible difference,
Swedish Bitters!
After adding this I can assure you that I can eat anything with no distress. I do believe that my HCL was low or non existent, not high, after the use of PPI, even though I had all the symptoms of acid reflux. By adding bitters, after or before a meal, my digestive juices started to function normally and because I’m digesting my food better I’m absorbing nutrients and my energy level is increasing Now I have almost no digestive distress at all. The nightly acid reflux is gone too.
I hope this help someone.

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Re: Multiple antibiotic treatment failure ,trying the natural options

Post by Helico_expert »

Glad to hear that you are back to normal!
please return to the forum and share your positive energy to other members.

Posts: 6
Joined: Sun May 10, 2020 3:27 am

Re: Multiple antibiotic treatment failure ,trying the natural options

Post by tunesx9 »

Dear jebiga, this reply is for you
Check your vit d levels as soon as possible , and look for dr stasha gominak on youtube . Do the protocol , everything is related to the gut even your hpylori infection it proboably manifested itself due to d deficency , the anxiety , the sleep is all related

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