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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Will AntiFlu vaccine (HPPT based) treat Hp gastritis?

Both humoral (blood antibodies) and cellular (lymphocyte) immune responses are activated by H.pylori. Technical aspects of vaccines can be posted here.

Moderators: barjammar, Toni, stomach

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Will AntiFlu vaccine (HPPT based) treat Hp gastritis?

Post by Romlar »

Dear Dr Marshall ! as you asked to post this question here:
Will the new antiflu vaccine, based on H.Pylory DNA as a vector treat the Hp infected gastritis/ulcer patients too.( recombination between of geneticaly modified Hp with influenza genes on it and the existing in stomach H.pylori of the gastritis/ulcer patient).
Also thank you much for the restarting of the discussion page on this website!

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Re: Will AntiFlu vaccine (HPPT based) treat Hp gastritis?

Post by barjammar »

Good question (and thank you for the nice comments about our web site). It is early days in the vaccine research, but I can say that even though Helicobacter is difficult to control, we can make it deliver vaccine antigens such as the surface proteins of cholera. You can read about it at the Ondek web site (news media releases). You can also find the Ondek screen saver and lots of interviews on YouTube and as pdf files. Link here:
At the moment it is not my main focus but I believe one day Hp gastritis will be cured with simple oral vaccines and probably a natural therapy - but we have not found it yet. So for now, antibiotics are the most reliable means of cure.
Check the link below for information on hard-to-treat cases. Then search the forums for questions and answers similar to yours.

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Re: Will AntiFlu vaccine (HPPT based) treat Hp gastritis?

Post by Jeff1963 »

Hi, I was diagnosed with hp in late oct 2010. I went on prev PAC for 14 days. About half wat through, I was having a tough time. I then went on sucralfate,which replaced my ppi. Finished 14 days. About 2 weeks later, I was still hurting. Doctor put me on niacin and ppi (prilosec) Finished treatment helped some but still hurting. Mtg question is should I try probiotic supplements. Could that help?


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Re: Will AntiFlu vaccine (HPPT based) treat Hp gastritis?

Post by jamesgreen »

:lol: though it's an old topic, i admit it's a good question as well..Two years,, :lol:

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