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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Can you develop acid reflux after treatment?

The various unpleasant manifestations of Helicobacter can be described here. Remember however that the great majority of persons with Hp have no symptoms that they are aware of and consider themselves normal.

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Can you develop acid reflux after treatment?

Post by Wonderboy123 »

I was recently diagnosed in November through a stool test. My symptoms were slight indigestion and acid reflux, bloating, burning feeling in my stomach/guts. I was subsequently put on treatment and my symptoms (especially the bloating and burning feeling) were gone overnight after I started taking the pills.

The treatment ended on Nov 28th, and I felt fine until 2 weeks after that. One night I suddenly started getting very strong acid reflux that burns my throat, as well as the feeling of food being stuck in my throat for hours after I ate (and sometimes regurgitating bits of food). I am extremely worried that this is due to H Pylori re-colonising my stomach again, but can't really do any tests until 4-6 weeks after my treatment. So I was wondering whether acid reflux after treatment is common, or this is likely due the treatment failure?

I also have an additional question about my treatment. I was 14 days, consisting of:
- Amoxycillin 500mg TID
- Erythromycin 250mg TID
- Omeprazole 20mg BID
- Cimetidine 200mg TID.

What would you say the rate of success is for this treatment? It seems a bit different from what I've seen online. In particular, the Amoxycillin dosage seems a bit low (I've been seeing people being prescribed 750mg TID - 1g BID?) and I got Erythromycin rather than Clarithromycin which is apparently less effective.

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Re: Can you develop acid reflux after treatment?

Post by Helico_expert »

the dosage is ok, but could be higher.
We dont like to use omeprazole so much because the newer PPI is more effective.

since you just finished this treatment, let's wait for a month, then repeat your stool antigen test and find out if your HP is still around.

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