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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Symptoms after medication

The various unpleasant manifestations of Helicobacter can be described here. Remember however that the great majority of persons with Hp have no symptoms that they are aware of and consider themselves normal.

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Symptoms after medication

Post by steffy1231 »

Ever since taking the HP triple therapy antibiotics and tecta for one month I have had a lot of stomach pain, gas and constipation. Has anyone experienced this?? What should I do?

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Re: Symptoms after medication

Post by Helico_expert »

we surveyed many patients and normally the overall symptom reduce and gradually improve their quality of life.

So, have you done a follow up checkup to confirm H. pylori is truly eradicated?

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Re: Symptoms after medication

Post by steffy1231 »

I am going in a few weeks for a follow up test to see if the h pylori is gone. The pain that I initially had from the HP (which was under my ribs) is mostly gone. Now, I am experiencing something different- almost like IBS symptoms- gas, gurgling in my intestines, constipation, cramping etc. I am just wondering if maybe the antibiotics or the infection itself maybe caused this flare up.

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Re: Symptoms after medication

Post by tornado82 »

Anti biotics in my experience really scew the gut up. I recently underwent the triple therapy as well and thankfully I tolerated it well, but anti biotics are one of those things that can do a lot of bad things in order to do the good things. I view it almost like chemo therapy, on a MUCH smaller scale of course. Much like chemo kills cancer cells but also kills good cells, antibiotics do the same thing with regards to bacteria in the stomach and digestive tract. Much like chemo can make some patients even more sick than cancer itself was doing them, antibiotics can have a similar scenario in the gut. H. Pylori as we all know can cause stomach pains, gastritis, ulcers in the stomach and small intestine, as well as increase our risk of gastric cancer long term. Antibiotics are the soldiers who can go in and destroy this bacteria, but in the process, it kills millions of beneficial bacteria in the stomach. It destroys every kind of bacteria in its effort to cure us of H. Pylori infection. Once you come off treatment it can take your gut a while to recover from this war that has been waged on the bacteria in your stomach. This is why the number 1 side effect of antibiotics is diahrrea. That beneficial bacteria that was in your gut plays important rolls in your digestion and processing of food, and helping to keep your overall digestive tract in balance. One thing you can do to try and help your gut to recover is to go on Pro-biotics. Eat some pro biotic yogurt or better yet, get some Kefir and introduce it into your daily diet. These products are packed with helpful bacteria in each serving that will help repopulate your gut with the helpful bacteria that antibiotics have wiped out. I think what you are experiencing could easily be caused by the antibiotic regime you have undergone. Give it some time id say, and really work to put some probiotics into your diet. Eat healthy, and stay away from known offenders of a troubled stomach like carbonated drinks, spicy foods, dairy, coffee, etc. Dairy is a big one if you are lactose intolerant like I am - it will only exacerbate the problem. Rather than pushing more drugs in to combat these symptoms you are having, my approach is to work to re balance my gut, which is more than likely the root cause of the issues. Of course you need to verify H. Pylori is eradicated as well. If it is eradicated, then Id just give it some time and let your gut recover

Thats my 2 cents. I also like to add that I am NOT a doctor, nor profess any medical training. Im just someone who reads too much :) Best of luck to you

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Re: Symptoms after medication

Post by newhpyloridiag »

Totally agree with Tornado. Best explanation of the reality.

Get a bottle of probiotic pills and take 2 daily and you will feel lot better in couple of weeks.

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Re: Symptoms after medication

Post by Nat »

Good advise tornado

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Re: Symptoms after medication

Post by xceL »

One thing my GP never told me was to take probiotics.

My triple therapy absolutely ruined me. I tolerated the Nexium HP7 quite well and felt amazing when taking it, however afterwards it felt like nothing had changed. Symptoms were the same and eating food was an excruciatingly painful effort every day.

It's 3 years since that happened to me. I still struggle to eat food normally because of the therapy.

I strongly believe the antibiotics ruined my stomach. No ulcers in my stomach or duodenum with only 'mild inflammation' of the duodenum after eradication therapy.

I strongly recommend probiotics, and a high dosage too!

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Re: Symptoms after medication

Post by Helico_scientist »

xceL wrote:I strongly believe the antibiotics ruined my stomach.
Have you tried to check that Helicobacter was eradicated after you triple therapy? It is possible to have stomach problems after taking such a strong doses of antibiotics. However it should disappear in less than a month. If you still have symptoms after 3 years, it is possible that these antibiotics didn't eradicate the bacteria completely. It is worth doing another test for Helicobacter, don't you think? That is another thing that GP don't tell you but here, we ask all our patients to do a breath test 3 weeks after treatment.

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Re: Symptoms after medication

Post by bambamjr2013 »

xceL wrote:One thing my GP never told me was to take probiotics.

My triple therapy absolutely ruined me. I tolerated the Nexium HP7 quite well and felt amazing when taking it, however afterwards it felt like nothing had changed. Symptoms were the same and eating food was an excruciatingly painful effort every day.

It's 3 years since that happened to me. I still struggle to eat food normally because of the therapy.

I strongly believe the antibiotics ruined my stomach. No ulcers in my stomach or duodenum with only 'mild inflammation' of the duodenum after eradication therapy.

I strongly recommend probiotics, and a high dosage too!
I'm with you on that one. It's been 2 years since taking Prevpac and I still have issues as well. I'd be surprised if I didn't still have this bug. Good Luck and God Bless

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