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Management of Helicobacter pylori infection—the Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report
The 5th Chinese Helicobacter treatment consensus
How long should I wait before doing follow up breath/stool test?

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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

H Pylori and Foamy Saliva

The various unpleasant manifestations of Helicobacter can be described here. Remember however that the great majority of persons with Hp have no symptoms that they are aware of and consider themselves normal.

Moderators: barjammar, Toni

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Re: H Pylori and Foamy Saliva

Post by Lrobina13 »

Did you ever find out what it was? You are the only person I’ve found online with the same symptoms as me. Muscle mass gone I am so weak, the foam is bizarre and I feel like I’m choking, my grandma died from stomach cancer.

My doctor has been great and is sending the sample off but I’m worried it will come back negative or I just won’t get to the bottom of this.

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Re: H Pylori and Foamy Saliva

Post by Hcvti26 »

I have exact same symptoms, frothy Saliva, can be white.
With a Soapy taste from it, much worse when I go into environment that has strong detergent, I also have tested pot for HB on biopsy, had triple therapy and negative on breath test, but while on Opramazone.
Stomach in bits, my urine is also Frothy, as my saliva can also be.
Anyone get a resolution to this?

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Re: H Pylori and Foamy Saliva

Post by Helico_expert »

I also have tested pot for HB on biopsy
I assume you meant positive for HP (H. pylori).

but after treatment, negative UBT while on Omeprazole.

perhaps you want to repeat your UBT. This time, make sure you stop any PPI for at least a month before the UBT.

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Re: H Pylori and Foamy Saliva

Post by Hcvti26 »

Yes, sorry positive.

Frothy acidic Spit with a soapy taste from it,
Also very Foamy and frothy urine.
This appears to be happening more so in an environment where there is strong detergent smell, such as wearing a jersey that has a strong soap powder smell from it during playing sport.

I also have stinging face and the back of my hands also in certain environments, and weeping eye lids.

Also very Lightheaded and have aches in my joints, especially fingers and shoulders.
Other Symptoms more consistent with HP that I have are Belching, bloated and pungent gas, worse when my stomach is empty and when I sit into specific cars(2020 car with new leather smell) my stomach is in bits from it.

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Re: H Pylori and Foamy Saliva

Post by Helico_expert »

H. pylori is only colonising in the stomach and so the symptoms related to HP is normally in the digestive systems.

The "acidic Spit with a soapy taste" is probably due to yeast infection? it can happen when someone is taking heavy antibiotic treatment. You may want to check with your doctor.
Belching, bloated and pungent gas, worse when my stomach is empty
these symptoms are more related to H. pylori. However, more accurately, it's more related to the damage done by H. pylori. So even if H. pylori is gone, the damage may take time to heal.

So most importantly is to make sure H. pylori is gone for good. Since your last negative breath test was while you are on omeprazole, please get repeat the breath test to confirm the success of the treatment. Also, if possible, get a raw data of the breath test. we want to know how negative is your negative result.

If 50 dpm is the cut off, and you got a 49 dpm, then it is very suspicious negative. If you get a value below 10 dpm, then I would say it's quite likely a true negative.

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