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欧洲幽门螺杆菌治疗共识 5

Quad.TT completed now what

The most popular treatments consist of two antibiotics (one of which is usually clarithromycin) plus a strong acid blocker such as omeprazole (PriLosec, Nexium, Somac, Zoton, etc.). Treatment is for 7-10 days. Cure rate is about 85%

Moderators: barjammar, Toni, luci2010, Ondek-Expert, kkimura

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Posts: 6
Joined: Wed May 15, 2019 4:40 am

Quad.TT completed now what

Post by Litza1503 »

after failing triple T. my dr prescribed Quad.T :

Raberpazole 20mg TID ( 1 tablet twice a day)
Bismuth 220mg QID ( 2 tables 4 times a day)
Metronidazole 500mg TID( 4 times a day)
Tetraycline 500mg QID( 4 times a day)

all this for 14 days, this medication made me really sick, horrible headaches, mestrual cramps , horrible nausea's and on day 8 i started with vaginal bleeding in the mornings ( dr doesnt believe this could be an effect of the mediation but i do believe it was) and it is not time for my period yet. I saw the doctor because I was getting really sick and he asked me to stop the medication after day#10. He thought that 10 days will be enough and as much I wanted to complete the 14 days i was so sick that i was happy to hear that i could stop at day 10 , this happened few days ago and still have that metal taste in my mouth and the headache doesn't go away. I feel much better after I stopped the medication so I continue with the probiotics but what else should I take to help my gut / stomach to get better after such a strong medication, any advice on what to do the make this healing time better, I am eating super healthy and I am afraid to eat sugar or processed food because they say it is not good for your digestive system.

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Re: Quad.TT completed now what

Post by Helico_expert »

You are you doing great. 10 days should be enough. The reason you can still taste the metallic taste in your mouth is because there is still antibiotics in your system. The side effect should gradually wear off within a week.

Probiotics is a good idea. You can try mint tea or some herbs which you think can help you feel better.

Most importantly is.. two weeks before your follow up breath test, you should stop everything to avoid false negative result. Probiotics and mint tea is fine. Herbs, i am not so sure. Some herbs do have anti-bacterial effect and may have an negative effect on the breath test result.

Posts: 6
Joined: Wed May 15, 2019 4:40 am

Re: Quad.TT completed now what

Post by Litza1503 »

thank you so much for always getting back with answers and guidance.

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